menus not working on basic memovie or corp 2

Memovie Joomla Template support forum for Joomla 1.5 only.
GK User
Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:59 pm
the menu system in a purity basic joomla free template works when I install either the corp 2 or memovie, the menu system for registered users does not.

is there any fix for this?

I've wasted hours trying to get a menu for registered only users it works flawlessly on a out of the box joomla "purity" template.

the menu position of hornav works.

but there is NOT a "menu" position in corp2 or memovie. they start at menu1, or something.. none point the "horizotal nav" that will allow a registered user to see a different menu than the public one.

this is NOT a custom build, its basis joomla and gavick.
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Junior Boarder

Sun Sep 12, 2010 2:58 pm

There is no a special menu position in our templates. But having diffrent menu for registered users is not so difficult to handle. You can choose for some options of menu to show only for registered users. The second idea on how to manage this can be to use a copy for the template with menu only for the registered users and attache this template to thoose pages only. Or You can search the forum for solution on how to remove the menu and create a position for menu instead.

Our templates are using Megamenu. It's way better than the standard joomla one, please see what it can do: ... Navigation
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