new Problem: Textblock in slideshow

Memovie Joomla Template support forum for Joomla 1.5 only.
GK User
Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:04 pm
Hello, it´s me again,
I´ve got a little problem showing up the news in memovie/News Show Pro GK4.
There are no blank lines at all, made in article with <br> and I´ve got no idea how to put the picture into the text.
For example: Picture K2
I´ve set up another page with News Show 1, and the content looks like this: NSP1 view
The content is wrapped around the image, that´s what I want to see in NSP4. I tried different settings in NSP4 but haven´t found out how to put first the Headline, then the picture and then the content, floating around the image.

My next problem is how to format the text.
The content that I wrote looks like this: Content view
As you can see. the last 5 lines are all on it´s own line (how could I explain this in english?)
Both versions NSP 1 and 4 ignores the <br> so it looks very different to the complete text. Mostly all of my content has those lines, and nowhere are linebraks.
How to change this? It´s a big problem for me...

And, at last, I can´t add more menu entries. I´ve tried any possible menu, but I always have an error.
I start in the backend with menu-->main menu--->new. Up to this there is no error. But whatever I choose then (menu item) I´ve got an error, like this:
Menu error
Sorry, but I can´t translate the error :blush:
So I can´t do anything at this moment, because I want to complete the menu structure...
The site I´m working on is here:
Login to the backend will come in a PM, if someone could help me.

I hope I could explain everything so you could understand my problems.

Thanks in advance,

Edited: The problem with article formatting is solved (don´t know what I´ve changed, but now it´s how I wanted it. Now there´s only my menu-error - for now :lol:
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Senior Boarder

Tue Jul 06, 2010 11:38 am

Please send me Joomla panel access to Your site.
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Wed Jul 07, 2010 10:06 am

I've been to Your site, but all the NSP modules You were refering to was locked by some other users, so I cannot do much. Please try to disable "Clear X(HTML)" option in NSP modules and tell me how this affects articles.

I did add a new item to the menu, linked an article to it and it's working fine so I do not understand why You are getting this error :(
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GK User
Mon Jul 12, 2010 8:27 pm
I´ve found now, this error (no popup or so, just a small yellow "!" on the bottom of the page) is only in IE, in Firefox there´s no problem. I can work with all new menus, so I think I can ignore this little thing. The probs with the NSP was solved by myself. Thank you for your help anyway...

But now there are some more questions, I hope they are not incompatible with your "costumizing rules". I think, I always know how to change something, but in those templates I nearly never know, where changes have to be done.

I´ve got a little problem with the header 1 and 2. Header1 is the slideshow, header2 is a banner. On the frontpage I want to show both. On all other pages I want to show only the banner, but the content should start at the position, where header1 was. When I don´t show the slideshow on "subpages", the banner jumps on the header1 position (like here: ... Itemid=133. It´s clear why it is like this, so I helped myself with a second banner, shown only on "subpages". Then it looks like here: ... Itemid=136.
But why use these two modules with identic settings so different styles? I´d like to have the banner on the frontpage in the same look as the banner in the subpages, for an identic look. From where comes the style for the banner on the frontpage? I´m going slightly mad...

Another problem with the style is in the Tabsmodule. For the first two tabs I tried to show just a little, not formatted table. The third tab shows a module. Between every line is too much padding or spacing or somewhat else - I absolutely don´t understand, what in the gk_stuff.css could be responsible for those paddings. How can I get rid of them?

Next problem: The topmenu. I want to have it "align=Center", but where to do this? I´ve worked in the past with a lot of joomla-templates, but yours are totally different (maybe because of the t3-framework?)from everything I´ve seen before. I feel a little helpless :blush:

Last but not least:the background image. I´ve found out, where to change the background color (been very proud), but it´s not the solution I´ve wanted to get rid of those grey parts left and right on my page. It would be nice when the bg-image could fit exactly 100% of the screen. At the moment it seems that there is maybe 96% or so, in my screen resolution of 1680x1050 is always a margin left and right where I see the backgroundcolor.

Now I hope that my problems could be solved and are not forbidden due to the customizing thing. I don´t want to have something customized, I want to know where I could try my own changes ;)

Greetings from the terrible hot germany,
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Senior Boarder

Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:12 pm

I´ve got a little problem with the header 1 and 2. Header1 is the slideshow, header2 is a banner. On the frontpage I want to show both. On all other pages I want to show only the banner, but the content should start at the position, where header1 was. When I don´t show the slideshow on "subpages", the banner jumps on the header1 position (like here: ... Itemid=133. It´s clear why it is like this, so I helped myself with a second banner, shown only on "subpages". Then it looks like here: ... Itemid=136.
But why use these two modules with identic settings so different styles? I´d like to have the banner on the frontpage in the same look as the banner in the subpages, for an identic look. From where comes the style for the banner on the frontpage? I´m going slightly mad...

Try place the Header1 position into mainbody layer. Small code change.

Another problem with the style is in the Tabsmodule. For the first two tabs I tried to show just a little, not formatted table. The third tab shows a module. Between every line is too much padding or spacing or somewhat else - I absolutely don´t understand, what in the gk_stuff.css could be responsible for those paddings. How can I get rid of them?

It's standard form joomla.css

Code: Select all
td {

Next problem: The topmenu. I want to have it "align=Center", but where to do this? I´ve worked in the past with a lot of joomla-templates, but yours are totally different (maybe because of the t3-framework?)from everything I´ve seen before. I feel a little helpless :blush:

Sorry there is no way to set this automaticly due to the megamenu structure. I suggest this:

Code: Select all
.gk-megamenu {

Last but not least:the background image. I´ve found out, where to change the background color (been very proud), but it´s not the solution I´ve wanted to get rid of those grey parts left and right on my page. It would be nice when the bg-image could fit exactly 100% of the screen. At the moment it seems that there is maybe 96% or so, in my screen resolution of 1680x1050 is always a margin left and right where I see the backgroundcolor.

In such cases do not wast time to look for it. The easiest way is to overwrite, for example at the end of template.css:

Code: Select all
body#bd {
background-color:#ffffff !important;

Greetings from the also hot poland :)
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GK User
Tue Aug 10, 2010 7:29 am
Good morning,
step by step my page is coming to a nice result. Small steps, but it´s going on :S

Putting the slideshow on header1 into the mainbodypart didn´t work for me - I didn´t know how to handle this code:
Code: Select all
$h_class = '';
if($this->countModules('header1 and header2'))
{$h1_width = (float) $this->_tpl->params->get("header1");
$h2_width = (($this->isIE()) ? 100.0 : 100.0) - $h1_width;
$h_class = ' both';}
{$h1_width = $h2_width = 100;}?>

But it´s no problem, I think I´ve found another good way.

Now I´ve found a problem for that I can´t find the reason. I checked with three different browsers and in each one my page looks different.
For example:
IE8: Image
The spaces between the modules are like I wanted them.

IE7: Image
The slideshow is too big, it should end where the green line is.

Firefox makes it very funny: Image
The space between header1 and header2 looks better, but as you can see in the picture: theres a big gap between header-part and mainbody (the banner3-position for the linking pics is now in main.php, so it´s width is fitting the slideshow.
I´ve tried to find the error, but everything I´ve tried resulted in a completely chaos - I need a hint why the views are so different and how I can get a result in other browsers like in IE8 .

Now theres only one thing, and this is really a problem for me: The unuseability of the page in IE6. I´ve showed the page to some friends, which work all in the biggest factory here in town. This factory still uses IE6 (couldn´t believe it, it´s a huge automobile concern, but it´s like I say). No one could use the page. I´ve had a look in my stats on my old page and there is a high ratio of IE6-Users (about 20%).
Are there any hacks or workarounds for making the template IE6-compatible? I mean, it doesn´t have to look like in other browsers, but it should be useable in any way.

I really hope you could help me again.

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GK User
Wed Aug 11, 2010 9:45 pm
Hello again,
after many hours I know where the "Firefox Gap" comes from: I´ve tried to put a textblock into the slideshow. It wasn´t the best way, I think.
Now I searched through this board and found this thread: ... lides.html

Unfortunately it wasn´t answered anymore so have to try for myself. My plan is to have my slideshow like the one in the finance template.

That´s what I did:

1) I deleted the "gk_is" parts from the memovie-gk_stuff.css and copied the "gk_is" parts from gk_finance_com gk_stuff.css into the memovie´s gk_stuff.css

2) I copied the
over those from the memovie_template (overwrite)

and 3) I´ve copied the module settings from finance template to mymemovie installation.

Unfortunately it didn´t work, I only see the preloader and nothing happens.
Are there more steps to do if I want to have my slideshow look like the finance´s one? Could it be the problem that I link K2-articles with "own link" into the slideshow?
I´m a little pissed off: 2 Month 10 hours a day I worked on my page and now I can´t change the slideshow like I need it. I do not want to change the entire page to another template that fits my slideshow I reverted all my changes and have a textblock but a big gap in Firefox. And for my IE6 problem I haven´t found a solution too :(

I hoped I could release the page in the next days, but never with those errors and the loading times are terribly too. In this moments I wish to have a less frustrating hobby, gardening or stamp collecting :S

Can you tell me what I made wrong or did I forget an important step to have a textbox like the finance template has?

Thanks again.
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Senior Boarder

Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:36 am

Where do You have theese images. Show me an exact page.
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GK User
Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:55 am
I´m still on this page:
I´ve reverted my changes to the point where I have a small textblock (only made some changes in the module´s textarea)so you see the gap in firefox again.
When I´ve done the steps I told in my last post, do I have to create the slides again or can it use the old slides, created with the "original memovie slideshow". Maybe that was my fault?
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Senior Boarder

Thu Aug 12, 2010 5:34 pm

Try with adding this code at the end of template.css file:

Code: Select all
.gk_is_wrapper-style1 {
height:313px !important;
overflow:hidden !important;
width:662px !important;
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GK User
Fri Aug 13, 2010 10:40 am
Yes, that was it. You are my hero for today :woohoo:
Now there are only the loading times and the IE6 issue. I think the first I can solve somehow, but the second? Any hints what´s the biggest problem of IE6 with the memovie template (I don´t mean its age)? Any CSS-overrides? I have no idea...
But 20% is a lot I think.

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Senior Boarder

Fri Aug 13, 2010 9:46 pm

Our templates do not support IE6, so any work to make it look like in other browsers is a customization I think.

For loading speed I suggest to install YSlow pluggin for Firefox and follow it's tips.
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