Templates Randomly Break Site

Memovie Joomla Template support forum for Joomla 1.5 only.
GK User
Fri Apr 16, 2010 8:25 am

I have an extremely odd problem. My site works perfectly, and it's going fine until suddenly I find nothing works. Any page returns absolutely nothing from the server. There is no source code, no php error, nothing in the log.

I can however get into the backend fine, and then change to a default template like beez and the site works fine. Sometimes uninstalling the template and reinstalling works, but most of the time not.

Now I have a site which is unusable and its very frustrating as there is absoultely nothing to work on or see what is causing it.

This is happening with memovie and the new partyfreak templates.

Anyone can please suggest how I can debug this or if theyve experienced something similar?

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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Fri Apr 16, 2010 8:35 am
Have jound found something interesting. Inside the template settings, the "default" template causes this to break. If I switch to no_columns it works again. However this is not a good workaround as hence no columns which I miss right1
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Fresh Boarder

Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:31 pm

Your last discover means that it must be caused by some module/plugin from position placed at the column You have disabled during check. Please unpublish one by one the modules from this column till You will see the site work. The last unpublished module will be the guilt one.
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