Error: 'effects1[...]' is null or not an object

Memovie Joomla Template support forum for Joomla 1.5 only.
GK User
Sat Apr 10, 2010 7:27 am

I'm on IE7 I get the following error on the front page. This appears in the bottom left of the browsers frame, but doesn't seem to affect anything else. Every menu button and front page item it works.

I tried finding the offending line of code but I didn't have any success. Even when I put Joomla in debug mode.

Line: 56
Char: 6
Error: 'effects1[...]' is null or not an objectCode: 0

My question is:
1) what is the problem? I only get this on the front page.
2) will this error affect other browsers or my google ranking.
3) Is this affecting other browsers or keeping them from display properly?
4) Is this error causing the page to render slower?

My website is

The following W3C CSS validator website
does NOT validates my html as ok, which I find strange since everything works on the front page.

Attached is the debug text document.

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Junior Boarder

Mon Apr 12, 2010 12:20 pm

Please try to upgrade to the latest version of template.
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GK User
Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:23 pm
I'll give it a try right now and let you know the results.

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Junior Boarder

GK User
Tue Apr 13, 2010 2:19 am
Hi Again,

Well, I think I have Gremlins on the host computer or maybe it's because it's a Linux box.

Ok, so here goes and I hardly believe this myself......

I keep a protype environment on the development machine that equals production. I refreshed / updated it today by replicating everything down from Production.

I tested it to make sure I was getting the same error. I applied the lastest release of movie Memovie 1.1.3 and the error went away on the development platform which is windows based.

I upgrade the host computer with the files from version 1.1.3 and I'm still getting the error message on the host computer which is a Linux box.

I reverified all the files by first looking at the dates, and then just to make sure I re-uploaded the files and still I got the same problem.

Any ideas?

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GK User
Sun Apr 18, 2010 11:12 pm
Sorry but I see first time situation when error in JavaScript files depend from platform of server O.o
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GK User
Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:36 am
Yes, I said the same thing to myself. but, I did the same test twice and I'm getting the same results.

I copied all of the data down for the host. Check to make sure I was getting the error on the local box. Applied the updates and the error went away on the local box.

I applied the updates on the remote hst, and I still have the errors.

It's so weird!!!!

I restored a backup from a week ago and I was not getting the error on the home paage. (I should note that I only get thsi error on the front page.)

I have done no coding changes only added aticles, photos and video.


Stumped, because this makes no since.

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GK User
Mon Apr 26, 2010 7:51 pm
Hi Dziudek,

I figured out / (stumbled across by acciedent) the problem....

The Highlighter Module was loading correctly based upon a parameter. Once I changed the field the Highlighter Module started working and the error went away.

So what I learned is that if one of the modules has an error while processing, I'll get a page error.

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Junior Boarder

GK User
Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:03 pm
ok, thanks for this information :)
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