I am having the same issue as described in this topic: http://www.gavick.com/forums/yourshop/a ... fo1#p75309
In the backend, VirtueMart, at a category view, the whole list of typography from Gavick is displayed.
Like this: http://i.imgur.com/STIh7YO.png
I've tried disabling Typography, but that didn't solve the issue.
In the past I have used teitbite's solution:
I advice to add this code to /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/assets/css/admin_ui.css file:
.gkTypoTable { display: none; }
But this solution is only temporary, the issue will be back after an update (this is what has happened now).
I would like a permanent solution to this issue, is this possible?
Thanks in advance,
Bjorn Elsing