black menu, sub-categories highlight

Create an ecommerce website in few minutes with this amazing Joomla ecommerce VirtueMart template.
GK User
Wed May 21, 2014 4:43 pm

Is it possible to highlight or put the more separated from the categories?

thank you
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GK User
Fri May 23, 2014 1:51 pm

Could you visualise what do you want to achieve?
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GK User
Sat May 24, 2014 11:37 am
I want something like this...where the client can see in red what menu or sub-menu are he in....

Breadcrumbs it's not enough.. ... .14.15.png
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GK User
Mon May 26, 2014 9:03 am
As I see it seems that there is a problem in the mod_virtuemart_category module, because it doesn't add the "active" class to the menu items - please contact with the VM support, because this module isn't overrided in this template, so this is a problem directly with the module.
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GK User
Mon May 26, 2014 11:46 pm
The question that I did, is something that the original template don't do. Is there really a problem? I don't know how to tell VM support the problem that you're telling me.
I just wanted that the active menu or submenu look red when active.
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GK User
Tue May 27, 2014 9:37 am
In this case you have to ask on the official VirtueMart forum:
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