I have the option in template settings turned to "off" which deletes the button on the mobile menu...but the link in the footer still remains.
I went to templates/boutique/layouts/blocks and edited footer.php to remove
- Code: Select all
<?php if(isset($_COOKIE['gkGavernMobile'.$tpl_name]) &&
$_COOKIE['gkGavernMobile'.$tpl_name] == 'desktop') : ?>
<a href="javascript:setCookie('gkGavernMobile<?php echo $tpl_name; ?>', 'mobile', 365);window.location.reload();"><?php echo JText::_('TPL_GK_LANG_SWITCH_TO_MOBILE'); ?></a>
<?php endif; ?>
uploaded it, cleared browser cache and refreshed. Link remains at footer.
Main reason for wanting to delete it is because I cannot get it to work normally. When viewing in mobile, I can click "Switch to Desktop" just fine. But when wanting to switch back to mobile using the button at the top of the link at the bottom, nothing happens.
I'm pretty certain it has something to do w/ the fact that I've renamed the directory for the template, and probably an issue with cookies, but I don't even know where to begin fixing that.
So if either a fix for the directory/cookie would work, or, if possible, just removing those footer links on both versions (desktop and mobile) then I am happy =)