The Facebook scraper shows this: type 'website' is invalid because the given value '' for property 'fb:app_id' could not be parsed as type 'fbid'.
I have tried turning off everything related to social sites. it is still there. This is in the head of every page at the very beginning: <meta property="fb:app_id" content="" /> Then further down it appears again but this time it has the app id included. It is the first one that is blank and we can't find where it is coming from. We have turned off everything and it is still there. As of now we have enabled the social sharing, and it is there.
I tried turning off all Social in available in World New II, with no luck. I turned everything back on just now and still the same.
Is is possible to just turn off all social media related features in this template so I can use a 3rd party extensions to fix all of this?
If so, how do I turn everything related to social media and authentication foff in World News II?