Hi, i am working on my site http://www.in2town.co.uk and i would like to know if breadcrumbs is available for this template and also what benefits would it give me on a seo point of view if the site had one.
any advice would be great
teitbite wrote:Hi
I cannot say what effect got breadcrumbs on SEO, but it's for sure nice accent for users. Helps to navigate the site easily.
As You can see on the module position map, breadcrumbs position is available. You should use the default breadcrumbs joomla module.
http://demo.gavick.com/joomla25/twn2/in ... -positions
teitbite wrote:hi
Breadcrumbs are working, but You need to put cursor over the home icon to show it all. Just a little trick to make site more interesting Of course if You do not like this effect, just let me know so I'll remove it.