copying my site

Advanced and professional portal news Joomla template with community features and various content display layouts.
GK User
Thu Jul 11, 2013 5:45 pm
Hi, i would like to know if this is possible. I want to be able to copy the layout of my site, what i mean is, i want to put on a sub domain to my site a copy of the template.

I have made changes to my template which includes adding a new position, donalee for the goodle advert, and changing the size of the left and right column and the middle column

my site is

and what i would like to do is, to upload the normal site on my subdomain and then copy the layout to the subdomian. not sure if i am describing what i want to do properly or not but basically i want to have the same looking site as i have at in2town on my subdomain to in2town
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GK User
Thu Jul 11, 2013 6:01 pm
If You would like to copy template and start from scratch aplying new data, You could download:
/templates/gk_twn2 folder, make a zip from it and install it on another joomla installation (as a template package). After that - You would only need to configure modules etc.

Or, You could just make a 100% copy of current joomla database, create new one and paste the dump over there, copy 100% of the files to new place, change in configuration.php database name - and in this fresh place - erase all articles unnecessary articles and menu items.
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GK User
Fri Jul 12, 2013 9:20 am
Cyberek wrote:If You would like to copy template and start from scratch aplying new data, You could download:
/templates/gk_twn2 folder, make a zip from it and install it on another joomla installation (as a template package). After that - You would only need to configure modules etc.

Or, You could just make a 100% copy of current joomla database, create new one and paste the dump over there, copy 100% of the files to new place, change in configuration.php database name - and in this fresh place - erase all articles unnecessary articles and menu items.

really new to this, can you let me know step by step on how i would do the first option. i do not want all the data being transfered, i just want the layout being transferd which includes the new module position, the size of the colums on the the template.

i do not understand how you mean make a zip file. i work off an apple mac
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GK User
Fri Jul 12, 2013 9:39 am
1. Open your ftp client (I use Transmit and love it but it cost few $$).
2. Connect to your hosting server and navigate to:
3. Copy folder: gk_twn2 to your desktop.
4. With finder navigate to your desktop, right click on gk_twn2 folder and select compress - You will create zipped package this way.
5. Install Joomla in new location so it works as it should.
6. Go to new joomla installation admin panel -> extensions -> extension manager and install this compressed template folder.
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GK User
Fri Jul 12, 2013 11:45 am
Cyberek wrote:1. Open your ftp client (I use Transmit and love it but it cost few $$).
2. Connect to your hosting server and navigate to:
3. Copy folder: gk_twn2 to your desktop.
4. With finder navigate to your desktop, right click on gk_twn2 folder and select compress - You will create zipped package this way.
5. Install Joomla in new location so it works as it should.
6. Go to new joomla installation admin panel -> extensions -> extension manager and install this compressed template folder.

thank you for this
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