I have another little problem, I would like to create a form, to be included in my topbar fixed, with social icons that have the effect mouseover and custom icons.
I read this thread https://www.gavick.com/forums/post/quote.html?f=104&p=90481, but I did not understand how.
Konrad M wrote:Hi,
social icon module in boutique is a Custom HTML module with this content:
- Code: Select all
<div class="gkSocialIcons"><a class="gkSocialIcon iconTwitter" href="#">Twitter</a> <a class="gkSocialIcon iconYouTube" href="#">YouTube</a> <a class="gkSocialIcon iconVimeo" href="#">Vimeo</a> <a class="gkSocialIcon iconFacebook" href="#">Facebook</a> <a class="gkSocialIcon iconSkype" href="#">Skype</a> <a class="gkSocialIcon iconDigg" href="#">Digg</a> <a class="gkSocialIcon iconMobyPicture" href="#">MobyPicture</a> <a class="gkSocialIcon iconLastFM" href="#">Last.FM</a> <a class="gkSocialIcon iconDribbble" href="#">dribbble</a></div>
To add link to social profile you have to add url to your profile account in href. Now there are '#'. If you want to change order icons you only need change links order.
We use one image with all social icons as a background and we only change background position in css. But if you want own icons you can update file to images folder and add own css rule to link.
I also downloaded the template Boutique (I like the effect) to try to copy it and install it in my template, but I need some of you to give me a hand.