Sentence style instead of UPPERCASE for nab and article titl

Advanced and professional portal news Joomla template with community features and various content display layouts.
GK User
Sat Jul 21, 2012 4:00 am

I prefer the "sentence" style over using the UPPERCASE style. As shown in my Sandbox below, I was able to achieve this by deleting the "UPPERCASE" format in the CSS.

I cannot seem to find the UPPERCASE specification though for the following:

[*] Main Menu navigation headings
[*] And for all of the GK modules article titles

as evident in the linked Sandbox URL below. May you please direct me to the correct CSS and the CSS names to achieve the sentence style instead of the "UPPERCASE" format for the items listed above.

Other than the first letter, all others must be lower case -- unless specified so by the author. This is very critical in science and technology -- where small and capital letters have either have different meanings or refer to specific terms, substances, etc.

Also, for the Main Menu headings I would prefer a text style, like the one used in this forum -- the letters are wider apart make them easier to read. Kindly refer me also to where these are defined, i.e., the specific CSS files.


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GK User
Sat Jul 21, 2012 9:33 am
Bebas Neue font used in this template does not support lowercase or normal case it is only uppercase font.

Your only option is to use a different font type which supports all cases.

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GK User
Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:10 am
Hi Norman or other Moderators,

What is the name of the CSS file where I can find this "Bebas Neue".

I must have looked at almost all the CSS files in the template and the modules directory and I could not ind this "Bebas Neue". I found Verdana, Arial, "Lucida Grande", Tahoma but not "Bebas Neue".

I am sure there is one CSS file I overlooked, hidden some that I failed to open.

So please, if you can point me to the source CSS file, I would be very grateful. Thanks.


normanUK wrote:Bebas Neue font used in this template does not support lowercase or normal case it is only uppercase font.

Your only option is to use a different font type which supports all cases.

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GK User
Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:29 am
Thanks, I have to use my Mac computer search to find the file. And go from there. Still not the best using Arial, but now, I do not have to deal with BebasNeue.

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GK User
Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:35 am
You could use different font from google web fonts.

See template settings > fonts >

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GK User
Tue Jul 24, 2012 10:13 am
Thanks Norman.

I will work on the fonts issue later., what I did actually was copy the CSS style of the main body, to make them consistent. What I am not satisfied with is the ordered list of the links. I will post that as a separate thread, to avoid confusion.

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