RECAPTCHA is not working in the registration

Advanced and professional portal news Joomla template with community features and various content display layouts.
GK User
Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:28 pm
Unfortunately, discussed problem with recaptcha still unsolved.
So please update template to latest version also with modules which you can find in rest files, this should resolve your problem.

No. After updating template up World News II to 2.9.1 version problems still unsolved:
1. Recaptcha works properly in the comments, but not in the user registration area. After completing all fields in the registration form appears message "words is not matched" (or so).
2. In the form before "home" appears unnesessary "TPL_GK_LANG_YOUAH" message.
3. Register button in the login area in 2.9.1 template version now is inactive unlike former version.

Please help to solve this issues as soon as possible...
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GK User
Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:54 pm
1. I've just download clean quickstart and register user without any problems with enabled reCaptcha - all message that I get is "our account has been created and an activation link has been sent to the email address you entered. Note that you must activate the account by clicking on the activation link when you get the email before you can login."

2. Your language file is probably wrongly updated, probably you have update file inside template directory not in root/languages folder.

3. I don't see any problem with register button even on your site.
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GK User
Mon Jun 11, 2012 11:44 am
Thank you for fast response
bkrztuk wrote:I've just download clean quickstart and register user without any problems

May be, but I have got another advice (RECAPTCHA problem
You need to overwrite files via ftp connection to update template
I have tried, but without result. This is incorrect way for repairing, and problem could be resolved only by clean quickstart? I could not reinstall site completely from the ground.
bkrztuk wrote:Your language file is probably wrongly updated, probably you have update file inside template directory not in root/languages folder.
OK, I'll try to modify language file.
bkrztuk wrote:I don't see any problem with register button even on your site.
Yes, this problem was solved after creating this topic.
Many thanks in advance.
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GK User
Mon Jun 11, 2012 4:34 pm
Please check your global captcha settings according to this instruction >> ... recaptcha/ , especially is 'Users' menu item.
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GK User
Mon Jun 11, 2012 7:52 pm
bkrztuk wrote:Please check your global captcha settings according to this instruction >> ... recaptcha/ , especially is 'Users' menu item.

Setting re-checked, but without any results. How I could update template from quickstart without risk of losing current customized site template?
P.S. Also error in the facebook registration appears. Erroк message is like "There is error in GKF. Please try again later".
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GK User
Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:15 am
If you made customizations properly inside override.css you can overwrite all files (but prepare a backup before) without losing your settings, customization etc. In other case you need to use some tools to merge changes between latest version and you installation (I use WinMerge or DiffMerge)
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GK User
Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:37 am
bkrztuk wrote:you can overwrite all files
Please clarify: I should overwrite by FTP all files from gk_twn2_J! and gk_twn2_rest_files_J! packages, or some files from gk_twn2_quickstart_J! too? Or something else?
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GK User
Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:54 am
Discussed problem with RECAPTCHA is even worse. After updating last version of files from "rest_files..." template archive the message
Code: Select all
  Nothing to setup (no fields found).  Please check your code

appears after the completing register form.
Please help to solve this problem.
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