Demo Font Selector

Advanced and professional portal news Joomla template with community features and various content display layouts.
GK User
Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:09 pm
Hello together,

because it's not possible at my hoster (serverbased CMS-Template Install-Routine) to set up the quick install-package I'm not able to check the font selectors in the demo-template.

Please publish a pdf or something with the main-download, it would be very sensefull for many users and it's just a copy and paste - thing with a great quality-boost for the whole download-package.

Thx in advance!
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:31 pm

Body - font:
Standard - Arial

Body Selectors:
Code: Select all
#gkPage .box.small > div > h3.header,
#gkPage .box_text.small > div > h3.header,
#gkPage .box_menu.small > div > h3.header,
#gkBottomWrap .box > div > h3.header,
#gkPage .box.advert h3.advert

Headers - font:
Squirrel - BebasNeue

Headers - selectors:
Code: Select all
#gkMainMenu > div > ul > li > a,
#gkPage .box > div > h3.header,
#gkPage .box_menu > div > h3.header,
#gkPage .box_text > div > h3.header,
ul.gkTabs li,
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5,
#gkMainMenu > div > ul div.childcontent .group-title,
.pagenav-next a,
.pagenav-prev a,
table th,
div.pagination ul li a,
div.pagination ul li span,
div.k2Pagination ul li a,
div.k2Pagination ul li span,
div.header .nspLinks ul li h4,
#article-index ul li a,
#jsMenu .jsMenuBar > ul > li > a,
#community-wrap div.profile-info .contentheading,
#community-wrap div.greybox div.joinbutton,
body #community-wrap div.profile-toolbox-bl ul.small-button li,
ul.profile-details li.title,
#community-wrap .latest-events .jsEvDate,
#community-wrap .cModule.latest-events .jsDetail b a,
body #community-wrap ul#featurelist li,
#community-wrap h1,
#community-wrap h2,
#community-wrap h3,
#community-wrap h4,
#community-wrap .cModule h3 span,
#cWindow #cWindowAction input.button,
#community-wrap .clabel,
#community-wrap .cTabsBar ul li a,
#community-wrap .album-name,
#cWindowContentTop #cwin_logo,
#community-wrap .label,
#community-wrap .cVideoTitle,
#community-wrap .joms-newsfeed-more,
#cWindowAction .button,
#community-wrap #cFeatured.forPeople .cFeatured-Name a,
.cFeaturedFriends .cFeaturedTitle a

Other - font:
There none

You can install a local server on your pc, like for example XAMPP server and make your own tests ;)

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Platinum Boarder

GK User
Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:54 pm
Thank you very much for the fast support!

Thanks for the local server tipp but I don't know how that works, the content is my world :-)

Have a good start to the UEFA EC 2012
User avatar
Fresh Boarder
