Joomla Categories and Articles vs K2 Categories and Items

Advanced and professional portal news Joomla template with community features and various content display layouts.
GK User
Sat Mar 31, 2012 12:22 am
Hello all.

Just downloaded The News 2 last week, I love it. I'm a Joomla newbie, and although I'm quickly getting the hang of it these last few days by spending time with it, I'm still confused about the difference between the Joomla Category/Article system and the K2 Category/Item system.

I'm building my site and before devoting too much time to organizing it I'd like to know if anyone can give insight as to the differences between both and when to best use each one.

Your time is appreciated ! :lol:
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Sat Mar 31, 2012 8:05 pm
K2 items are more powerfull, gives you more options like comments, clear tags, additional info about user etc. You can compare this layouts on our demo server you will se huge difference. K2 has also lot of build in modules which allows you to display tag cloud, latest comments etc.
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Sat Mar 31, 2012 11:13 pm
Thanks bkrztuk.

So you can build a news-type site exclusively with K2 Items as opposed to Joomla Articles ?

There is no advantage to using Joomla Articles sometimes ?
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Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:45 pm
Jorge_V wrote:Thanks bkrztuk.

So you can build a news-type site exclusively with K2 Items as opposed to Joomla Articles ?

There is no advantage to using Joomla Articles sometimes ?

Let's put it this way: From a newsguy standpoint, K2 is helpful when you've got articles and opinions (read: blogs) too because it lets you add tags, "about the author", a calender, et cetera "out of the box" to it - you don't have to install any other plugins to do so.

Now, if you're running a news site and you want to just focus on the news, then it's ok to just use TinyMCE or JCE (with a helpful plugin here and there) -- it really depends on what kind of site you want to produce and administrate.

To make a long story short: it's all about the evolution of news production. Analyse those sites you dig the most and see how they do it.

Hope that helps and just my 2 cents,

Best of luck
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Tue Apr 03, 2012 1:55 am
Thanks for the insight Nardo, appreciate it.
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