I have added more Google fonts but they are not showing the bold and italic weights - the only way I can successfully add them is via the Google font javascript method - but I would rather add it in a more effective way - I edited googlefonts.php and added :
- Code: Select all
array('Open+Sans:400', 'Open Sans (400)'),
array('Open+Sans:600', 'Open Sans (600 bold)'),
array('Open+Sans:800', 'Open Sans (800 bold)'),
array('Open+Sans:700italic', 'Open Sans (700 italic)'),
array('Arimo:700', 'Arimo (700)')
And then selected these http://jdlstrategies.com.au/gavick.png
But the weights are not being applied, have i made a mistake in the php array.
(My page is http://jdlstrategies.com.au/aybtestpage but the fonts are being styled via javascript, disable javascript and you will see the problem)
Any thoughts