Hi everyone, please i need help in changing the font size and font family. And also i don't want the menu items to be all caps. How do effect changes.
Thank you.
Konrad M wrote:Hi
Font family you can change in template settings in 'Font' section. This one which is used now have only capital letters, but if you remove selector for menu or change it to standart font you will have no capital letters.
To change font size please try add to override.css
div.gk-menu > ul.level0 > li > a {
div.gk-menu > ul.level0 > li,
div#gkDropMain > ul > li,
Konrad M wrote:In font section just remove these two selectors
- Code: Select all
div.gk-menu > ul.level0 > li,
div#gkDropMain > ul > li,
from Headers - selectors.
Can you explain a little more second one? Which positions doesn't exist ?