Changing the font size and font family

Professional Business Joomla template for corporate and business websites suitable for showing stock quotes, up to date news, portfolio management resources or international market data.
GK User
Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:27 am
Hi everyone, please i need help in changing the font size and font family. And also i don't want the menu items to be all caps. How do effect changes.

Thank you.
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Konrad M
Mon Apr 02, 2012 12:44 pm
Font family you can change in template settings in 'Font' section. This one which is used now have only capital letters, but if you remove selector for menu or change it to standart font you will have no capital letters.
To change font size please try add to override.css
div.gk-menu > ul.level0 > li > a {
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GK User
Mon Apr 02, 2012 2:38 pm
Konrad M wrote:Hi
Font family you can change in template settings in 'Font' section. This one which is used now have only capital letters, but if you remove selector for menu or change it to standart font you will have no capital letters.
To change font size please try add to override.css
div.gk-menu > ul.level0 > li > a {

Thank you for your response. How do i remove the selector for menu. Secondly, i checked the module positions from your demo but it is different from what is placed for downloads. Some positions don't exist.
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Konrad M
Tue Apr 03, 2012 12:55 pm
In font section just remove these two selectors
Code: Select all
div.gk-menu > ul.level0 > li,
div#gkDropMain > ul > li,

from Headers - selectors.
Can you explain a little more second one? Which positions doesn't exist ?
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GK User
Tue Apr 03, 2012 1:00 pm
Konrad M wrote:In font section just remove these two selectors
Code: Select all
div.gk-menu > ul.level0 > li,
div#gkDropMain > ul > li,

from Headers - selectors.
Can you explain a little more second one? Which positions doesn't exist ?

The menu positions don't work, the bottom positions don't work. I disabled the template menu and tried placing mine but nothing showed. There is no mainmenu position instead i see menu1-10 that doesn't work.

For the font sections, do i need to edit the main css file?
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Fresh Boarder

GK User
Tue Apr 03, 2012 2:23 pm
Can someone please help me make changes to the financial business template. I am not a developer, so please permit my slow learning. Thank you in advance.
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Fresh Boarder

Konrad M
Tue Apr 03, 2012 9:58 pm
Menu positions allows you to show modules with this positions in mainmenu. Mainmenu is postion only for menu so you can't publish anything else there. About font, if you like font used for body which menu inherit you don'ta have to add anything. But if you want add font for menu you need to add some css rules in override.css file for selectors you removed from font section.
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