I uploaded the plugin but it seems to be missing texts. Do you have an idea what went wrong?
Expert Boarder
GK User
Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:10 pm
Please check if the language file was uploaded correctly - if the problem still occurs, please ask the developer - it is not our extension.
GK User
Wed Apr 17, 2013 12:19 pm
Yes, I know it's not your extension. I already contacted the developer, but he's not answering. Can you give me a hint what is this language file and how to check whether it was uploaded correctly?
Expert Boarder
GK User
Wed Apr 17, 2013 6:28 pm
The language files for plugins are located in the administrator/language/ directory. Please check if the en-GB.plg_PLUGIN_NAME.ini file is located in your administrator/language/en-GB directory.
Most probably the plugin contains only the pl-PL language file - then please rename the language file from the package and upload it to the administrator/language/en-GB directory.