GavickPro Documentation


Perfetta WordPress Theme is the first of our new generation of themes that uses the Theme Customizer for the configuration options, rather than relying on an existing framework.

The demo content, which includes the sample menus, posts and images, can be downloaded as a WXR file from this page; a guide to importing this content may be found here.

Theme Customizer

The Theme Customizer options for Perfetta WordPress Theme contains several useful sections as per the below screenshot:

Site Title & Tagline

In this section you may specify the title logo and its tagline. The tagline is displayed on a second line underneath the logo.


The Perfetta WordPress Theme uses 3 basic colors: a color for the background, a main color for links and important elements and another color for the footer text which can be adjusted to compliment the current background image:

Background Image

The background image of the theme can be defined and adjusted in this section:


The theme contains two menu areas: the main menu and the footer menu used for the social icons; if you’ve imported the demo content then the menus are already prepared, but they must be assigned to their respective positions in the Appearance>Menus section of your WP backend:

The footer navigation options can be displayed as social icons for direct links to your social channels. To create the icon, a special CSS class must be added to the menu item’s settings to specify which logo you wish to display:

The available CSS classes for social media icons are as follows:

Static Front Page

In this settings area you may set which page or specific content should be displayed as a frontpage:

Font options

The Perfetta WordPress Theme uses two font groups: one for the logo and one for the rest of the text:

It is possible to use either a Google Font or one of the standard font families for each section.

Layout & Features

All other important settings are available in this section:

Amount of bottom columns is used to set number of columns in the bottom area; the default is two. By changing this setting to three you will have some additional space to add more information via a text widget if necessary.

The color of the bottom area can be set in the Color of the bottom setting.

It is possible to use the theme default date format or enable usage of the WordPress settings date format using the Date format option.
Option Use Scroll Reveal enables scroll animations in the content; as a user scrolls down the content animates into place.

Widgets in the Perfetta WordPress Theme

The Perfetta WordPress Theme has one widget area: Bottom, where text widgets may be added to provide more information on your business or website. The live demo version of Perfetta uses two text widgets with the following content:

Opening Times

<dd>5pm - 11:30pm</dd>
<dd>12pm - 3pm / 5pm - 11.30pm</dd>
<dd>12pm - 12am</dd>
<dd>12pm - 10.30pm</dd>


<p>Perfetta Cafe 128-192 Robert St, London, W0F 3ZP</p>

<p class="footer-phone"><i class="icon-phone"></i> 555 92 89 22</p>
<p class="footer-email"><i class="icon-email"></i></p>
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