Tag archive: WordPress

Modifying your WordPress site logo

Many of our GK themes display by default Template Title as logo added using CSS styles. But you can change your site title in Template Name → Template Options then select Theme Branding. Select Image logo from Theme logo type option. Click Upload Image and browse for the logo file on your hard drive. Once… Continue reading →

GK Grid – WordPress widget guide

With our (M)Social theme we released a new free WordPress Gavick widget – GK Grid. It is composed of a set of widgets and their spatial relationship with each other; you can implement space-saving grid-based layouts on websites and incorporate a variety of content types through the use of different widgets. It works by placing… Continue reading →

Shift your widgets between WordPress installs with this plugin

Managing of WordPress may be stressful, especially if you’ve set the widgets and specified their settings – then change the default theme. Then you might find that all your settings are gone. Your WordPress widgets are worth the same as your entire investment (often time) in your website.

GavernWP WordPress Theme Framework: Font settings

The selection of fonts appropriate for the display of text is a key element in developing an appealing look for a website. Using different settings from the “Font settings” tab allows you to configure parameters for theme fonts. You probably would need to use different font styles for headings, paragraphs and so on. However, all… Continue reading →


This article contains the configuration details for the Creative theme. Using these information you can configure your theme when you cannot use the Quickstart package. Please remember that some details like the theme settings can be imported directly as the JSON file, what is faster than the manual configuration.

Villa Belluci - View our NEW theme

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