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Occasionally following installation of a Joomla Quickstart package or with our other tools is that links to articles do not work. This issue is strictly related to the way in which Joomla generates article paths and the fact that all GavickPro tools use the Joomla API to generate article links. To correct this issue, articles… Continue reading →
If during or after installation of our products for Joomla!, some problems appear; first of all make sure that:
In the case of our extensions installation, it has to be remembered that styles built in them may require CSS styling correction in CSS code of a template given. Of course our templates has built in styles for modules so in this case this problem does not occur. All our extensions are based on MooTools… Continue reading →
While creating a website, a few issues have to be remembered in order to make it efficient and proper loading time. Joomla! is specific environment that the multitude of extensions available cause that users forget about consequences of adding more functionalities to their websites.
We want to inform you about important change. In all new templates based on new Gavern framework which support Responsive Web Design – we did not include & don’t need those cache plugins anymore – because this functionality is built into the template.
Unfortunately, sometimes even the most carefully prepared quickstart package may cause problems, especially during a Joomla 3.x installation. That’s why we always suggest you use the latest stable versions of PHP (5.4+). In this manual you’ll find answers for most common problems during installation or after installation.