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We want to inform you about important change. In all new templates based on new Gavern framework which support Responsive Web Design – we did not include & don’t need those cache plugins anymore – because this functionality is built into the template.
“reCaptcha” is one of the new features added to the core with Joomla 2.5.x. If you”ve installed this version of Joomla (or more recent), then the reCaptcha plugin should be visible in the Plugin Manager view. Previous versions of Joomla (1.0.x, 1.5.x, and 1.7) required multiple steps to implement spam protection on your Joomla site.… Continue reading →
A typography plug in is available in rest_files package in plugins catalog. In the case when we do not use a Quickstart package, it has to be installed separately. After installation, a new “typography” button under the editor should appear: Detailed plug in configuration is described in the following article: Gavern Framework – Refreshed Typography.… Continue reading →
GK LESS (LESS files parser for WordPress) – a simple plugin which allows you to parse your less file(s) from a selected folder into a regular css file(s) in the output directory.