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Occasionally following installation of a Joomla Quickstart package or with our other tools is that links to articles do not work. This issue is strictly related to the way in which Joomla generates article paths and the fact that all GavickPro tools use the Joomla API to generate article links. To correct this issue, articles… Continue reading →
Let trace process of installing the latest version of Joomla! 1.7/2.5.
Page’s head section is an important fragment storing information about a website and most scripts and CSS styles prepared for content presented on a website.
Page’s footer generally consists of three elements:
In Gavern Framework, we improved options connected with website’s logo significantly. A logo is used in a few places and forms. It has to be remembered that except a website, a logo is used on e.g. a printable version of a website. Most of typical options can be specified from a template’s options level.
In all projects created by GavickPro, we always provide complete and swift installation version – the Quickstart, equal to the one presented in our demo page template.
To fully maximize the potential you can get out of a GavickPro template, it is important to first read the template’s configuration manual. It is also important to inspect the four key pages located in each template we produce (these are also components of the demo content):