If you have used a Joomla! QuickStart package and you’ve deleted all the “demo” users – the Joomla! system could be ‘disappointed’ because it would now have a problem to associate previously-created content or added items to the user, which no longer exists. It’s like a book without an author (on the cover); something is missing/wrong. That’s why you might see the “Warning JUser: :_load: Unable to load user with ID:532″ message. There are multiple fixes for this issue but some of them require code hacking – we prefer only 100% universal and safe solutions.
How to fix “Unable to load user” without reinstalling whole Joomla! Quickstart
Relax, it can be fixed without reinstalling the whole Quickstart – so you will not lose any changes or added content. If you deleted the user permanently all you have to do is create a new user and add the missing ID to him. Please follow these instructions:
- Using the User Manager create a new User – with Administrator rights – it means that User must be assigned to at least to the “Administrator” group as a minimum.
- Unfortunately You can’t choose which ID a user will have before it’s created. But, once that user is created, you can change its ID.
Note what ID the newly-created user will have, as it is important information we’ll shortly require again. - Now please backup your database before making any modifications to it!
- Open your Joomla database using the PHPMyadmin tool or use one of the extensions described here.
- In your configuration.php file check what database prefix you have used for this installation.
- Now in your DataBase Manager tool (check point 4) use the search option and search for the “#_users” table – where “#” is your Joomla! database prefix. Or just scroll through the whole screen until you find this:
- Change that user’s ID to 532 (or whatever ID given by your error message) in the #__users table. Remember to Save changes.
- Now find the “#_user_usergroup_map” table. Find and open (click “Edit” icon) the record with the “group_id” value; change the value to 532, then click the “Save” button.
- That’s all, the issue should be fixed.