How to transfer JomSocial community layouts between Joomla templates

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Customization Tips

On occasion you might like to take a nice JomSocial theme from, for example, (M)Social, and use it in another Gavick template. How do you do this? This short, simple guide will show you:

First step

You have to copy some folders and files but the process also requires a small bit of php customization. Copy the following folders and the files inside from the (M)Social template package to your current template – use your preferred FTP client to do this:

  • gk_msocial\html\com_community
  • gk_msocial\css\jomsocial.css

Second step

Using an HTML/PHP editor modify this file in your GK template : layouts\blocks\head.php – and add this line of code:

$this->API->addCSS($this->API->URLtemplate() . '/css/jomsocial.css');

near the other similar strings (after line 23)


Now copy the modified file to your server and replace the existing file. This will work fine in most cases, though there may be some exceptions depending on multiple factors.

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