GavickPro Documentation

Delivering News Show Pro content in multiple languages

If you are using our News Show Pro GK5 module for Joomla! and you would like to translate a word, phrase, or even a whole sentence from it, for example, “Read more”, “More work” and “See More” or simply change to another sentence – follow this guide and it will help you create a multilingual module.

More Work button from GK Creativity template

The above and all other front-end phrases by default (after installation) are located here: language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_news_pro_gk5.ini.

You will find them inside the file by using a simple HTML/PHP editor:


To translate the module, instead of changing the original file, you have to make a copy of this file. Open the .ini file with a text editor which is capable of handling UTF-8. We recommend free tools: Notepad++ or PSPad – if you are using a Windows operating system.

Now you can translate the selected entries to your language. Edit the file and modify all the phrases or words on the right side of the equals (=) sign to the new language. The left side of each line (left of the equals sign) must remain the same – they are required by the system. After you’ve made the changes you need to save the file as UTF-8 with BOM.

REMEMBER: You don’t have to translate whole module language file, just choose and translate only those phrases you really need.

Then rename the file from en-GB.mod_news_pro_gk5.ini to xx-XX.mod_news_pro_gk5.ini .

Where xx-XX is a LANG-PREFIX

For example to: es-ES.mod_news_pro_gk5.ini or de-DE.mod_news_pro_gk5.ini etc.

Now the translation is ready and you can place your language file inside your language directory using an FTP client or component named eXtplorer or PhocaCommander.

Note: If an existing translation or phrase does not meet your needs – just override them using the Language Override feature in the Joomla! Language component.

What is allowed in .ini files:

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