We have created a new module called “GK JomSocial Feed” for the very popular social networking component JomSocial. This fully responsive grid extension for Joomla! allows you to show a profile photo with the current status from JomSocial in a module position. It allows you to implement space-saving blocks on websites and incorporate a variety of JomSocial statuses. In most cases this module will be useful together with Grid GK5, where it may be included on the grid. Inside the module settings there are a few useful options for selecting specific statuses.
Note: This module requires that JomSocial is installed to work properly; such commercial components are not included in our GK Quickstart packages.
GK JomSocial Feed Settings – “BASIC” tab
The “Module ID” option allows you to specify your own static module ID. If this option is left blank then a module ID will be created automatically.
The “Module Suffix” is used to set a suffix representing a custom style.
The “Content type” is used to select the type of content displayed in the module (status, profile photo or user profile).
The “User ID” option is for a specific user feed.
The “Offset” option allows you to select which status should be shown – you can load the second, third or other statuses from the feed using this option.
Status settings
The “Show avatar” option allows you to enable/disable displaying of a user’s avatar. It will take up 50% of the available area.
The “Avatar position” option allows you to choose the position of the avatar in the module (left/right).
The “Show more” option allows you to display the “Read more” button under the status text – then the link in the status will be disabled.
The “Show username” option allows you to display the username of the status author.
The “Read more text” field allows you to change the default phrase from “Read more” to any other of your choosing. If you would like to use another phrase for each installed language you should clone this module and translate this phrase. Leave it blank to get the text from the language file (en-GB.mod_gk_js_feed.ini).
The “Text limit (chars)” option allows you to specify the available amount of chars for the statuses. Default value is 100 chars.
Photo settings
The “Image type” option; you can adjust the quality of the image using this option. Available options: Original image, JomSocial image or JomSocial thumbnail.
The “Show text” option allows you to enable/disable the display of text over a photo.
The “Text position” option is used to specify the text position (bottom/top) in relation to a photo (user’s avatar).
The “Text color” option allows you to choose the text color that suits your photo with a light or dark style.
Advanced settings
The “Use CSS” option allows you to enable or disable using the module’s CSS file.
Where can I download it from?
Currently you may download this module via our template download section only. You will find it inside the following packages (for both Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.2):
- gk_msocial_rest_files_J!25.zip /or/ gk_msocial_rest_files_J!3.zip
- gk_musicstate_rest_files_J!25.zip /or/ gk_musicstate_rest_files_J!3.zip
However, it is likely that it will shortly be available as a standalone module in the “Modules for Joomla” section of our website. The GK JomSocial Feed has been released under the GNU/GPL v2 license.