eSport suffixes for NSP

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eSport template has a few suffixes connected with work and the look of News Show Pro GK4 module:

  • nsp – a suffix responsible for correct module paging interface positioning
  • nspvm – a suffix responsible for module styling in the form of a netting with products.

It is extremely useful while presenting products from VirtueMart component. It is worth remembering that the graphic parameters, the amount of text etc, should be adjusted so as the containers with products has the same height.

  • nspvm suffix + dotted suffix – the combination of these suffixes allows to gain a separate style for News Show Pro module for presenting products in the form of blocks on dotted background
  • In the case of content placed in mod_custom module, it is worth remembering about a banner suffix which resets paragraphs’ margins in modules content which allows to avoid redundant spaces when we place e.g. just one image in a module.

When a module is placed on a cart position, two links connected with a cart are switched on; “My Cart” link at the top of the page and a floating link to a cart on the right side of the page.

An important newness is implementing the possibility of saving template’s options to JSON file. Thanks to this, it is possible to perform template’s configuration in the case of not using a Quickstart package. Additionally, it makes possible to move template’s settings among different Joomla! installations. Configuration files are in template’s config catalog.

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