Yesterday WordPres 3.8 RC1 has been released, so I expect to release the stable 3.8 version in a few days. This version brings several following features/modifications:
The new admin design, which will be fully responsive, color schemes of the backend will be added to your profile settings, also the dashboard homepage has been refreshed

Widget area chooser allows you to simply click a widget and choose where it goes

Choosing themes under Appearance is completely different

There’s a new default theme, Twenty Fourteen

Screen options are changed or removed

WordPress News/Plugins/Blog is condensed into 1 widget called “WordPress News”

and much more…
If you’re used to the old view of your backend, you may experience slight shock after installing 3.8 version, as the appearance is flatter, with more contrasting colors. If the color scheme does not satisfy you, of course you may always change it in your profile settings.
Al in all, I am happy with the changes and the new look – generally, most of the basic functions remained in their places, they are just visually refreshed.
You can download WordPress 3.8 RC1
here or use the
WordPress Beta Tester plugin (choose “bleeding edge nightlies” option from Tools -> Beta Testing).
This article was first published
December 5th, 2013