While simply finding a website is easy to find interesting if online tools is more difficult hence the idea that at some time suggest interesting solutions.
- onlineiconmaker.com – this is a Free Online Icon Maker, developed to create very simple icons within minutes. With this tool you may build your own nice looking icons easily and quickly. You can choose from available shapes, colors, fonts, add some shadows effects.
- HardlyWork.in – can help you If you love to spend ours on this social website without risk of anger from your boss, who will notice it. Because using this service your FB will have clever interface that poses as an Excel spreadsheet.
- money.js – this is a very small & simple JavaScript currency conversion library, with one function: to convert a value from any currency to any other currency. The Open Source Exchange Rates API project is powered by a simple nodeJS scraper, the lovable (and deadly) Currency Bot, which collects all the exchange rates from the Google Calculator API (one by one) every hour, then pushes them in JSON format to a public GitHub repository for everybody to use as a de-facto API.
- CSS Properties Index – this website contains information about all of the valid a updated list properties belonging to the CSS 2, CSS 2.1 & CSS3 standards.
- kuler.adobe.com – very useful online application to create, explore and share color themes .
- usaura.com– a web-based usability testing app. With Usaura you can run simple usability test, for example, a click test asking participants to click somewhere, or a preference test asking people to pick an option they like best. Tests are created for fee, and once they are ready then they are spread around by sharing the unique URL that is generated. Making a couple of tests for a design can tell you how well it performs. Of course, registered users get their own tests management dashboard, and they have ability to chain many tests into a sequenced test set.
This article was first published
November 11th, 2011