Update or not update? The dilemmas associated with updating Joomla to version 2.5 – part I

Last year was for the administrators of websites based on Joomla very interesting but also extremely stressful.

Certainly the popularity of this system once again resulted in the fact that in a plebiscite organized by Packt Publishing – Joomla! was voted the best CMS open source in 2011.

Update or not update? The dilemmas associated with updating to version 2.5 – part I

In turn, certainly many people were shocked at the new release cycle subsequent editions of the CMS. Stable version 2.5.0, which appeared on 24 January 2012 is already the second edition of the new six-month release cycle, which began with the publication of Joomla 1.6 in January 2011.

However, the key question is whether you invest your time in the process of migrating from a previous version of CMS to the current version and what it makes the benefits and difficulties. But let’s start from the advantages.

Especially when compared to version 1.0.x can be seen a significant evolution, Joomla 2.5 has many minor and major improvements, to improve work with this content management system. The amendments concern also safety and speed of the website.

By the way, it is worth noting that the work of community on this CMS is never finished. Joomla is evolving with the development of technology, market demands and rising expectations of users. The same applies to extensions whose number has already exceeded 9 thousand.

This article was first published March 1st, 2012