In the latest part of our series comparing Joomla! and WordPress, we dig deeper into the functionalities included with widgets and modules, and how they fit with the key philosophies of their respective CMS’ development.
WordPress vs. Joomla – widgets / modules
Joomla! modules are equivalents to WordPress widgets – generally speaking, these are extensions which are responsible for generating a fragment of the subpage according to the user’s needs and the extension’s functionality.
GavernWP WordPress theme framework Quick Tip #9 Widget styles modifications
Widgets from our themes always contain a few styles to choose from, but sometimes it’s insufficient for your needs and you would like to use a few styles at the same time, or perhaps use your own custom style.
WordPress Quick Tip #3 – Transient API
Do you find yourself needing to store temporary or cache data for your widgets or themes? Use the Transient API – it is by far the best way to quickly and effectively implement your storage needs.