Summary of 2011 – year of browsers

Do you remember how long ago we all ask ourselves the question “What will the coming twenty-first century? ‘. Barely had time to watch, and has already passed more than a decade.

Can be written on knee, but must work

  1. Chrome overtakes Firefox in global browser stats.
  2. In November, Windows 7, Internet Explorer 9 managed to surpass both Firefox and Chrome, both in all versions. Microsoft expects that by the end of IE9 popularity will increase to 25.6% and soon overtake its biggest competitor, IE8.
  3. Mozilla has released new versions of Firefox for the desktop and for Android (which has been adapted to the tablet).
  4. Google Buys Motorola, Microsoft Buys Skype, and eBay acquired GSICommerce
  5. Tablets are very popular – iPad 2 sold within 3 weeks of a million copies. Amazon creates “Kindle Fire,” leaving readers with the classical market. Consumers buy 65 million tablets as compared to the year 2010 an increase of 270%.
  6. The Internet is the largest market, database, and a place to exchange views on history – Past year showed how an international network can create a variety of conflicts and how they are powerless against the disgruntled masses potentates. Wikileaks, the attacks on the servers, Sony ($ 170 million loss). For the full year ongoing controversy about the safety of data in social networks ended a conflict between the famous Salman Rushdie and the administration of Facebook. Business or social movement? The year 2012 may bring the answer to this question.
  7. Use of the Internet and mobile technologies in the political struggle during the revolution in the Arab countries – social protest movements around the world were fueled by social media like Twitter and Facebook.
  8. The increase in popularity of mobile payments – customer needs by creating service noticed Google Wallet, and competition effectively been building by Square.
  9. Support for new technologies is in almost all browsers, including HTML5 and CSS3.
  10. 2011 was the rise of the “green robots” – Android smartphones. By November, Android accounted for a massive 52% of the smartphone market.
  11. Google finally got serious about social in 2011 with the launch of Google+.
  12. Price reduction for roaming in the EU – the beginning of July prices for roaming within the European Union may not exceed 0.35 Euro for an outgoing call and EUR 0.11 for receiving a call. Also dropped charges for data transfer.
  13. Firefox 11 (which is already in the channel Aurora, the last before the beta) will be able to render 3D pages – it useful analyzing a web page with all of its elements nested in the DOM. In Aurora 11, Tilt is fully integrated in the Page Inspector via a new 3D button. The feature is implemented via WebGL and is hardware accelerated.
  14. Joomla! 1.7 has been released, and Joomla 1.6 reached end-of-life on August 19, 2011.
  15. Joomla! 2.5 BETA1 has been released with new features.
  16. Virtuemart 2.0 was released.
  17. We have published another 12 great templates (also for J1.7) available on our

That presents a ranking event of the passing year. In the coming years do not expect stagnation and slow evolution. Especially in such a dynamic area such as the Internet.

This article was first published December 31st, 2011