Do you remember how long ago we all ask ourselves the question “What will the coming twenty-first century? ‘. Barely had time to watch, and has already passed more than a decade.
- Chrome overtakes Firefox in global browser stats.
- In November, Windows 7, Internet Explorer 9 managed to surpass both Firefox and Chrome, both in all versions. Microsoft expects that by the end of IE9 popularity will increase to 25.6% and soon overtake its biggest competitor, IE8.
- Mozilla has released new versions of Firefox for the desktop and for Android (which has been adapted to the tablet).
- Google Buys Motorola, Microsoft Buys Skype, and eBay acquired GSICommerce
- Tablets are very popular – iPad 2 sold within 3 weeks of a million copies. Amazon creates “Kindle Fire,” leaving readers with the classical market. Consumers buy 65 million tablets as compared to the year 2010 an increase of 270%.
- The Internet is the largest market, database, and a place to exchange views on history – Past year showed how an international network can create a variety of conflicts and how they are powerless against the disgruntled masses potentates. Wikileaks, the attacks on the servers, Sony ($ 170 million loss). For the full year ongoing controversy about the safety of data in social networks ended a conflict between the famous Salman Rushdie and the administration of Facebook. Business or social movement? The year 2012 may bring the answer to this question.
- Use of the Internet and mobile technologies in the political struggle during the revolution in the Arab countries – social protest movements around the world were fueled by social media like Twitter and Facebook.
- The increase in popularity of mobile payments – customer needs by creating service noticed Google Wallet, and competition effectively been building by Square.
- Support for new technologies is in almost all browsers, including HTML5 and CSS3.
- 2011 was the rise of the “green robots” – Android smartphones. By November, Android accounted for a massive 52% of the smartphone market.
- Google finally got serious about social in 2011 with the launch of Google+.
- Price reduction for roaming in the EU – the beginning of July prices for roaming within the European Union may not exceed 0.35 Euro for an outgoing call and EUR 0.11 for receiving a call. Also dropped charges for data transfer.
- Firefox 11 (which is already in the channel Aurora, the last before the beta) will be able to render 3D pages – it useful analyzing a web page with all of its elements nested in the DOM. In Aurora 11, Tilt is fully integrated in the Page Inspector via a new 3D button. The feature is implemented via WebGL and is hardware accelerated.
- Joomla! 1.7 has been released, and Joomla 1.6 reached end-of-life on August 19, 2011.
- Joomla! 2.5 BETA1 has been released with new features.
- Virtuemart 2.0 was released.
- We have published another 12 great templates (also for J1.7) available on our
That presents a ranking event of the passing year. In the coming years do not expect stagnation and slow evolution. Especially in such a dynamic area such as the Internet.
This article was first published
December 31st, 2011