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Sorting for breakfast, a table frenzy

Sometimes, you get an order from a client a “simple requires” which can take you either a lot of time or or you have an idea how to do it quickly and well. Surely, you know that your client loves tables, since they do it in Excel, they want to have them on the Joomla web site, preferably in such form as they have in Calc program.

The easiest method is, of course, dropping a file (spreadsheet) as an addendum to the article, however, about the disadvantages of this solution does not need no convincing. Another option is to paste the table, but to obtain the effect of sorting the columns according to specific criteria, you need to use an additional extension (javascript library).

Most of these solutions using a DataTables script ( based on jQuery which has a highly configurable access to HTML tables with advanced access features. DataTables is released with dual licensing, using the GPL v2 and an BSD style license.

All these extensions have versions adapted to work with the latest release of Joomla! 1.6.
