Quick Tip: How to Reduce Loadtime on Joomla by Avoiding Mootools

It seems that Joomla loads mootools (core & more) by default, bumping the frontpage up to 300+ Kbytes where the mootools library are the major part in that size. We want to avoid mootools, at least on the selected menu item, while we are aware that some modules might need the mootools.

How to do that?

This is quite easy, especially when using our templates , in Features Tab you will find “Mootools library on pages” option. You can select the pages where mootools library is disabled – you can use ItemID or option value. This option removes mootools-more.js, mootools-core.js and caption.js scripts.

mootools library Joomla

But if you don’t use Gavick’s templates, you can always use free Mootools Enabler/Disabler plugin (digitaldisseny.com) which gives you the control of when is loaded Mootools. Disable Mootools for all your website except for specified items or just enable for all except for specified items. In your menu entries you will see now a new panel called: Mootools enable/disable. Use it to specify if Mootools has to be enabled/disabled in this item.

mootools library plugin

This extension disables loading the following js and css files:

  • media/system/js/mootools-core.js
  • media/system/js/mootools-more.js
  • media/system/js/core.js
  • media/system/js/caption.js
  • media/system/js/modal.js
  • media/system/js/mootools.js
  • plugins/system/mtupgrade/mootools.js
  • media/system/css/modal.css
This article was first published September 29th, 2012