More and more people are using social networking sites

Israel and the U.S. have the highest percentage of people use social networking sites.

This is the result of a study by the Pew Research Center, which was covered by 21 countries. The highest percentage of residents who are users of social networking sites are Israel (53 percent) and the United States (with 50 percent). In third place were ex aequo Great Britain and Russia (43 percent). The lowest rates were recorded in Pakistan (2 percent) and India (5 percent). In both countries, 93 percent. population in general does not log on to the network.

pew socnet stats Almost every country surveyed observed large differences in the use of social networks between the different age groups. These types of sites are particularly popular among people younger than 30 years – the 13 markets surveyed (including Poland), uses them at least half of the respondents in this age range.

Meanwhile, the only country in which at least one quarter of respondents aged at least 50 years using social networking sites are the U.S. (26 percent).

Survey, Pew Research Center in the Pew Global Attitudes Project was conducted through telephone interviews and face-to-face in March, April and May of this year. It took part in a total of 25,503 adults from 22 countries: USA, UK, France, Germany, Spain, Lithuania, Polish, Russian, Ukraine, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan, Mexico and Kenya.

This article was first published December 28th, 2011