A new version of our WordPress framework – MeetGavernWP has been released. This update fixes many small issues and contains a few new features. Additionally, all Quickstart packages have been updated to support WordPress 3.7.1.
New backend color and “Features” tab.
We decided to change backend colors and add new tab to GavernWP theme options. The new option to enable/disable “featured video” was added and some other options are moved to this tab to be more intuitive.
Child theme improvements
Thanks to our users, we improved several issues with child themes, like overriding config JSON files, back-end layout overriding and issue with language directory in the child theme.
Twitter Cards support
Twitter cards allow to attach media expereinces to Tweets that link to your content. They are powered by meta tags, so for each post on your site, you can have a unique Card associated with it. This option may be enabled in Social API settings and then new metabox will appear during post or page eiditing.
Added option to change custom fields labels
Since this version, custom fields option will be disabled by default, additionally we added new option connected with these fields. Generally custom fields names are not esthetic, contains shortcuts, numbers etc. but some users want to use it and now they can change easily custom fileds labels.
Added new widget rule
Widget rules now support category with descendants, so if you have a lot of child categories you can choose category with descendants to choose category and all descentants from child categories.
Complete list may be found here. The latest version of MeetGavernWP theme is available on Github repository. We recommend to create a full backup before performing your update.
In the fall of 2013, we will realease the second version of our framework. This will contain numerous changes and improvements, the most important ot these will be:
- full support for LESS files
- separation of existing widgets to plugins
- separation of the SEO settings to plugin
- separation shortcodes to plugin
- redesign of the MeetGavernWP theme
- and much more!