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Joomla!Day Poland 2012

JoomlaDay Poland 2012 took place from Sep 22 to May 23 in Poznań, Poland. It was organized by Foundation PCJ Open Source.

I was very happy when I got asked to do two presentations during this event and care of the main hall, which was the direct video transmission to the Internet. Tomasz Dziuda also had two presentations: Joomla! a Responsive Web Design and Tools GK5.

Our company GavickPro was a platinum sponsor of, the first in Poland, event. The conference was targeted at Joomla developers with varying skills sets: from beginners, who just discovered Joomla to experts, who receive large revenues from this CMS. Joomla!Day allows end users, managers, administrators, developers and service providers to the Joomla community, to connect in various ways from listening to presentations which cover technical aspects of Joomla! to case studies on how to use Joomla! in a web environment.

We like to thank, in the name of Foundation, our sponsors who supported the event and all the presenters who spoke about the varied topics.

In the words of well-known song: “It’s been a hard day’s night” but it was worth it to see so many people related to Joomla in one place and meet Joomla! community from several countries.
