Joomla – Speed ​​up the Registration Process

Most Joomla! experts believe & said it will make it easier for people to create a new account by cutting the time it takes a registration process. Do you know that you can use a free component to build a one-click registration form for your Joomla 2.5 web site?

Joomla – Speed ​​up the Registration Process

Joomla One Click Registration

The first step is to download a One click registration ( which makes it possible for users to register really fast. Joomla! 2.5 user have to fill in a name and emailadress and click the submit button and he’s logged in and ready to go!

This component is very simple and can be used by each Joomla administrator. But its actually intended for webdeveloppers that need some special input fields in the Joomla registration form that insert data in third party components. Therefore programmer kept the code as simple as possible. So people who know PHP and a little bit about MYSQL Queries can easily change this component for there own purpose.


  • Choose exactly which input fields you want to display in the backend parameters.
  • All fields have Javascript field validation and an additional safety check in PHP.
  • Optional antispam simple question.
  • Redirect after registration
  • Email Notification
  • Choose usergroup
  • When registering the component checks for double usernames and emailadresses.
  • This components also supports Community builder but you need to switch CBmode on in the parameters after installing.
  • Extra plugin makes One click registration work together with K2

Joomla Authentication by E-mail

As you know mamy users forget their usernames, but they always remember my email address. Why not allow login by email? You can save your users this grief by allowing them to authenticate by email instead of (or in addition to) username. You can use it two ways:

  • With Joomla! authentication enabled: Username or E-mail address can be used to login.
  • With Joomla! authentication disabled: Only E-Mail address can be used to login.

Keep your users coming back and make it easier for them to remember their credentials. Download plugin from:

This article was first published November 2nd, 2012