JomSocial 2.2 is almost ready, since Mar 11 20011 is available a version 2.2 RC1. Changes are few, one of the most important, however, remain a possibility to install in Joomla! 1.6. See what changes to the extension developer is preparing for the next version.
Main features that will be included in JomSocial 2.2 RC1:
- One universal installation for each version for Joomla! 1.5 and Joomla! 1.6.
- User Menu (JomSocial Toolbar) was isolated as a separate menu.
- Hide Toolbar – allow or disallow toolbar in Display Settings.
- Facebook Invitations – users can invite your friends from Facebook as long as they are signed on via Facebook.
- Ability to comment and like on the stream items.
- Support Anty Spam with Automattic Kismet (Akismet web service). This is a special plugin which identifies and blocks comment and trackback spam. As a result, you don’t have to waste your time sorting through and deleting spammy comments from your web site.
- Daily Limits – As an administrator, you can set a number of new messages, groups, photos, videos and requests for users.
- Privacy for site administrators – new option to hide administrators from member listings.
Remember that our all Gavick members can get a $25 or $35 discount if they want to order JomSocial.
This article was first published
March 19th, 2011