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Interesting extensions of this month

The strength of any CMS is not only a community in itself, but also extensions that enhance its capabilities.

  1. SobiProPosts ( – is new plugin for community component JomSocial to provide a core application to show SobiPro entries. When an user publishes SobiPro entries, they are associated with the user. SobiProPosts shows these entries in the user profile. This extension is compatibility with Joomla! 1.5.x, 1.6.x, 1.7.x, or 2.5.x. On developer web site you will find also Sp2Js Activity Stream which provides an easy way to publish the updates from SobiPro component to JomSocial timeline (Activity Stream).
  2. Saxum IPLogger Last Logins for Administrator ( – with this module the logged-in user (like admin) can see the data of his last logins in the back-end. It shows the time of the login, the IP-address and the location. This extension works with Joomla! 1.7/2.5 and only if you had Saxum IPLogger component installed before. It should help you to detect unauthorized access.
  3. Wow login ( – real wow login module, beacuse this extension can logs you in automatically to front-end when you log into back-end. Now you don’t have to create hidden links to login page for editing articles from front-end. Just log into back-end and you will be logged into front-end automatically!
  4. Light RSS Feed Reader ( – with this new module you will get from a RSS Feed URL and display it in a nice style. From parametrs you have control over the Feed content, Title, Description and Date. You can also limit of chars for Item description and add Top or Bottom Pre Text.
  5. In this month we have also published updated version of News Show Pro GK4