If there are landmarks on the Internet, IE6 is one. Although not the first browser to exist, is certainly one that has a longer life. Are 10 years of existence, which insist on a protracted process. However much they want to finish, there is always someone who insists on making this a relic tool.
This browser, which stopped at the time when Microsoft decided to give him a worthy successor, IE7, still exists and still has an impressive 12% market share. Several measures have been taken to raise awareness among users of the need to update this browser to the latest versions, and now even Microsoft is launching a website to evangelize the end of its useful life, the site IE6 Countdown.
Although its development has stopped when people started talking about IE7, Microsoft has continued to support her in this little old browser. There have been many security updates and bug fixes over the years, but still was resisting IE6 and still maintains a high utilization rate.
The main reason for the continued use of this browser for many users, has to do with the fact that many of them do not manage the machines and to have hardware that is obsolete in some way to support the latest versions of browsers from Microsoft.
Naturally, these users are losing the features that came to be made available over the years, the most recent versions of IE.
The intent of Microsoft to launch this website is to lower levels of use of IE6 for a measly 1%. To achieve this, sharing with visitors to IE6 Countdown a series of tips and advice so that we can convince users that still use this browser to make the desired and needed updating.
The site also has a set of banners and code that can be used in your web pages so that users accessing your web sites with IE 6 are alerted to the need to update.
The numbers shown in IE6 Countdown show a very wide disparity in rates of use for this browser. On one hand there are countries with utilization rates below 1%, there are still countries with utilization rates above 20%.
Support this idea and will accompany the progression of numbers. Updates values are going to happen quite often and values must start to fall, thanks to the efforts of many supporters of this cause.
If they want support, there are several ways of doing so. May disclose your support for Twitter, you can put banners on your sites to alert users of IE6 that I visit to upgrade or can only and only to spread the word and convince friends and acquaintances to this.
Homepage: IE6 Countdown