Make your Joomla menus more intuitive with custom icons in your menu items

Icon or even a logo on the menu – it’s not new, this approach can be seen on the websites for several years. In particular, it may be useful to eliminate the first (start position) ‘Home’ or ‘Start’ to house icon.

menu icons joomla What is interesting is very easy to do using the embedded solutions in Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.0. Even default Joomla! menu is a highly customizable because you can add custom CSS style or optional image to be used with the menu links. Unfortunately, Joomla won’t allow any tag’s in the menu title, even HTML encoded (i.e. & lt; etc).

If you want to add icons to your menu, you first have to upload your icons to the your_site_root/images folder. In the next step, from the administration option of your website, navigate to Menu – YourMenu, and then click on any menu item to add suitable icon for it. Click on Link Type Options tab. Here you can select an image in your Joomla installation directory. Set No for Add Menu Title. This will enable you to create a menu based on images (only), rather than just text or text + images. Using this solution you can add Social Media Icons Facebook and Twitter to Joomla 2.5.

This article was first published September 19th, 2012