Google is rolling out over the next weeks default encryption using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) on searches for users signing in with their accounts. Over the past few years, Google is slowly but consistently moved its services under the cover of an encrypted SSL. Encrypted search is a long time available at, and over the next few weeks will be the default encryption for all users logged on to Google account.
The introduction of encrypted connections is beneficial for ordinary users. Their data can not be captured in any way or redirected. Using HTTPS by the search engine should also be universally condemned curb tracking users based on personalized search results.
Websites visited from organic search listings will still know that the user came from Google, but will not get information about each individual query, Google said. The websites can also receive an aggregated list of the top 1,000 search queries that drove traffic to their site for each of the past 30 days through Google Webmaster Tools, Google said.
Request for outgoing and results will be delivered using an encrypted tunnel, so web administrators will no longer be able to preview the phrases that led the reader on the page. All statistics are based on the keywords will be the most useless. Protecting your privacy is a legitimate goal, but the site owners will have a hard nut to crack.