Posts and easy management thereof are probably the most important things in WordPress. The typical WordPress post editor offer very limited options for manipulating posts. However, not everyone is aware that all of our WordPress themes have a very useful feature for post management.
Each post may have additional information added to it, such as the post’s author, category, amount of comments, publishing date, permalink etc…

In our WordPress framework, we added a feature which allows you to manage this additional information simply, which you can find on the right column while editing each post: the “Post additional params” metabox:

Here you can just enable/disable every element of this information e.g. I disabled date and category, so disabled elements are not visible for users:

This feature is also available for pages (not for every element), so you can also easily manage the information on pages.
Additionally in almost all our themes, you can also disable other elements like featured image, tags, post title, all sidebar information (all mentioned elements except the title and featured image).
Of course if you wish to disable this sidebar information (except title and featured image) for all posts you can use the “Post sidebar/additional information” option from Template Options -> Basic tab. (This option is enabled by default).
There’s one more option connected with displaying this information on all pages. You can change it in Template Options -> Pages -> “Display details on pages” (This options is disabled by default).
Feel free to test out this quick tip using our
Free WordPress Theme – Meet GavernWP.
This article was first published
December 9th, 2013