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Gavern Framework – Advanced Settings

In “Advanced Settings” tab, we will find options not only connected with template settings but also with Gavern Framework – a comfortable tool to create templates for Joomla! 1.6.

In those settings we may expect more new functions which we are going to add in the nearest future to Gavern Framework. Now, there are two options placed. The first one is a possibility of Select[ivizr] script use which allows to use CSS3 selectors in IE6-8 browsers (list of selectors available on a script page). The second function is a possibility of choosing CSS reset stylesheet. The list of these stylesheets is based on CSS:resetr. Of course if someone does not want to use reset styles, it is possible to switch this option off completely and then, none of reset sheets will be administered to a page. Those two functions mentioned are just the beginning. By the way, if anyone has some interesting functionality suggestions which can enrich Gavern Framework, we are inviting you to make comments.

Other functions are connected with template settings and those who have been using our templates for Joomla! 1.5, have to know them. To remind you these options, there is a short description below.

CSS cache option allows to limit data transfer for users who have visited our page previously.

CSS compression option causes placing all CSS styles in one file, where CSS styles are changed into compressed files sequence (one line for each CSS file). It is worth mentioning here that those CSS styles are taken into consideration which have been added to head section with API Joomla! 1.6 use by our framework function:


Override.css file option allows to add additional CSS file to a page: override.css which is added at the end of template’s files and which allows a user to overwrite existing CSS files. Thanks to this, it is possible to implement your own changes without modifying original CSS styles. But if you want to make more changes, I advise you to modify template files.

The last from advanced settings are two options connected with Internet Explorer browser. It has to be mentioned here, that for some time we do not support Internet Explorer 6 browser and no CSS styles are loaded for this browser, except one which is prepared especially for IE6 which gives possibility to those who have to use this browser (e.g. in the company they are working) get to know basic content of a page.

We resigned from the idea of displaying a special page for IE6 because this approach was limiting access to page content those who have to use this browser. Instead of using it, it is possible to switch on a toolbar at the top of the page which will inform a person given that IE6 is not supported by this page. It can be switched on by “IE6 bar” option.

Another way of limiting Internet Explorer use, especially 6-7 version, is a possibility of switching on support for Google Chrome Frame in advanced settings. This plugin allows to use Webkit rendering engine in any IE, famous for Google Chrome and Safari browsers.

We will be informing you about further improvements and news made in “Advanced Settings” tab. We are encouraging you to share your thoughts with us about options/functionalities which, in your opinion, should be implemented.
