Empty and abandoned e-baskets – Causes

Currently, launch and implement an online store is much easier than a few years ago, also because there are many ready-made solutions. On the market there are hundreds of tools for building e-commerce systems – from sophisticated, specialized, as well as easy online stores, including distributed under the GPL license terms. It often happens, so that potential customers enter the store page, browsing the offer, but do not make a purchase.

Empty and abandoned e-baskets – Causes Unrealised transactions is a problem faced by all the owners of e-shops. While those “executed” are easy to analyze, often carried out already in the admin e-commerce platform, in the case of unfinished it is difficult to say “why someone did not buy from me?”. Therefore touch upon the issue of “empty and abandoned shopping carts” to highlight a few reasons that this cause:

Technical problems

We have to do here at the shop (for example, error due to hacking or broken payments), as well as client-side (eg, crash your computer, browser, or low battery in a laptop). So what order process is delayed in time in the head buyer raises a doubt whether he still wants to buy this product. However, if frequent testing and maintenance of the shop can not exclude the possibility of a failure by the seller, the rest remains in the random case.


Poorly designed order process can effectively deter or buyer (eg, when the order form must be given too much data, in his opinion, unnecessary vendor), or what often happens to make cause at the customer’s mistaken belief that it has already order, when in fact lacked only one click. It is in this or a similar way, you can unknowingly lose a few percent of the buyers, or expose them to unexpected delays in delivery because customers who do not complete the process are not recorded in the system. Hence the need to before you run store a few people not connected with its production done in the test purchases, in order to catch errors of this type yet having an impact on store trade.

Sociological and psychological

The man is a social being because you can not blame him, that a large proportion of purchases, if it has the opportunity to consult with others such as partner or family. Also in this case, the person making the online shopping can opt out at the instigation of another person, who convinces him to their views, or realizes that if he can not afford such an expense.

A random element

It is a case whereby the person does not make a purchase in a store. Sometimes, therefore, phone, dog barking or a baby crying from the room next to the causes that person to being on the verge of confirmation of transactions, or even payments – turn off his computer and give up entirely, or puts in the time of purchase. The likelihood of such events must be included in the risk of any activity, not only economic.


It can also happen when a client suddenly realizes that there is no sufficient funds to pay for the goods. Or that the shipping cost has exceeded his expectations since it learned of the final stage of the contract.

So it is a universal recipe for abandoned carts? Certainly not, but for some reason we have the impact of building or servicing shop, so you should ensure compliance, quality of product offered and the technical layer.

This article was first published September 4th, 2011