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CSS and JS files in modules

In our selected modules we had implemented new including method for style sheets and scripts files.

In older modules you need to enable/disable manually script and mootools for each one. Additionally in some modules you have to move manually link element to head section of document for correct page validation.

Now this process is automatic! The Module include stylesheet in head section and also search mootools script file. This way it will add this setting only if this script doesn’t exist in document head. This same situation is with module script engine.

Of course, some people (We hope that it will be about 1% of all users) can have problem with this method – then you can use “force” options which work as the old method.

Additionally, we implemented the option of clean template code – you can place module settings in external file if this option is enabled. This way you can get template code free from scripts.

We hope that by adding the new options in our modules, the configuration of them will be easier and comfortable for all users.
