The company prepared infographics from which we can learn, among other things as the world’s Internet users spend their time on the network, what are their most popular online activity, and most visited web sites.
Blow competition by using the Hangouts On Air
Last year, Google introduced the ability to transmit live video in the chat – Google Hangouts – for selected users. This allows certain users, Google’s social network have the ability to broadcast lectures, concerts, training and cooking classes to a wide audience from around the world.
Everything Online Is a Possible Target for the Bad Guys
The savvy Internet attacker can capture customer data, billing information, and even credit card numbers. Today, it is not at all difficult to imagine a situation in which such an offender is able to intercept online ecommerce transactions in real-time and to dynamically replace account number to which customers are paying for goods purchased.
New Changes to Google’s Search Results Ranking Algorithm Announced
Google has recently announced further changes to its Panda algorithm. Panda is the codename assigned to the algorithm Google previously developed responsible for ranking pages in Web search results.
OSHWA to be the united front for open source hardware
Open source as a concept and as a practical means of software distribution has been around for quite some time. Today, there are numerous products distributed through one of a handful of open source licenses available to software producers.
Take a 5 GB drive with Google – for free!
The idea of Google Drive is one of those great-sounding too-good-to-be-true services that the public hears about through the rumors and industry gossip, and yet for whatever reason never actually becomes reality. However, based upon the evidence, we are fairly certain that Google Drive, an online storage space for files on Google’s servers, will be announced and made available to the public very, very soon!
If not standard Firefox – what to choose?
Web browser is now the most widely used application that is used by each user’s computer, or tablet.
More and more people pay for content
A year after the introduction of fees for their digital content, “The New York Times” has 454 000 people paying for subscriptions. Newspaper announced the reduction by half the number of items which you can read for free.
Who uses the most popular social networking sites?
Take a look at the interesting infographics, containing demographic statistics behind the most popular social networking sites in the world.
Opera Mini Next & Opera Mobile 12 with WebGL and HTML5
Certainly, it is no secret that Opera Software software has been working with mobile devices for quite some time.