Adding additional Social Share buttons to Joomla articles

The Social API included with our Gavern Framework offers a robust set of sharing options for the most popular social networks on the web, but what if you want to share your articles on alternative social networks? In this guide, we’ll show you exactly how to do it with two other oft-requested networks, LinkedIn and Pocket.

Separating registered/unregistered Joomla user’s viewable content

Your Joomla site content should be alluring and encourage users to sign-up and participate in your community or purchase your products, but at the same time you don’t want your registered users inundated with calls to action that aren’t relevant for them. With a few coding tricks, you can separate text, buttons and even entire modules so that only registered or unregistered users can see them, for a more elegant content layout. Read through this article and learn how it’s done!

The power of custom K2 templates

K2 is the definitive article management component for Joomla, but are you getting the most out of it? With custom K2 templates, you can achieve a unique layout that totally your own, for a flexible, visually-interesting website with diverse content. Read on, as we show you just how to get started with this powerful feature.

New features for the article formats in the News Show Pro GK5

News Show Pro GK5 is already a stunning, versatile and powerful Joomla module, but that doesn’t mean it can’t get better. Alongside the release of our Events template we’ve introduced the newest iteration of NSP with some very special new features that we’re sure our users will appreciate; read on and learn more!

Our plans for Joomla 3.3 and our templates and extensions

Good news! Check out our first themes designed for Joomla 3.3 – visit the Joomla 3.3 templates page.

Joomla! 3.3 is being introduced as the most stable Joomla! release in CMS history. That’s CMS history; not just Joomla history! The beta version is very nearly ready to be released into the wild where it will no doubt be poked, prodded and tested to kingdom come; the release schedule is now as follows:

Development plans for the Gavern Joomla template framework

One of the templates released after Joomla! 3.2 edition will introduce the Gavern Framework v.4.0 version. The fourth generation of our framework brings several changes in and better unification between Joomla! 2.x and 3.x templates.

Our News Show Pro GK5 Joomla module now supports Easy Blog!

We have released the new version of the News Show Pro GK5 module – v.1.3. The main feature in this version is support for the great Easy Blog component. We have a special 15% discount prepared exclusively for our members on all Easy Blog licenses! NSP GK5 supports posts, categories, tags and authors from this awesome extension for Joomla!.